No.33 Huizhou Road, Hexi District (near People's Park, not far from bus Taidayuan Station and Shantou Road Station)
23259750 You can also call the labor security hotline 12333.
If your company has provided social security for employees, but only added new employees, you can take the roster filed by the Labor Bureau to the social security sub-center to fill in the list of personnel increase and supplement, and then print the list and pay the fee after the company seals it and submits it to the window for review.
If it's the first time, it's a little troublesome. You need to bring your business license, legal person code certificate, legal person ID card and agent ID card to open an account, the original and copy of bank license tax registration certificate, fill in the social security registration information form, and go to the labor bureau to go through the labor contract filing procedures, that is, get the roster for filing. With the above information, you can fill in the form list and the social security base you choose at this time, and submit it to the window to print the list for payment.
When handling, it is best to bring the official seal of the unit. For the first time, it is allowed to bring photos of the insured, apply for employment certificates and endowment insurance manuals, and also bring copies of employee ID cards and temporary residence permits.