XBRL mainly refers to providing business management information for enterprise decision makers. XBRL was originally called XFRL (XML-based Markup Language for Financial Reporting), which is an XML-based Markup Language for Accounting Statements. Its main idea is to provide financial information disclosure for investors and counterparties. However, it was later found that this language can be used in more occasions such as enterprises, so it was renamed as "Business Reporting Language".
It is characterized in that it decomposes the content of financial report into different data elements according to the rules of financial information disclosure, and then gives the data elements unique data labels according to the rules of information technology, thus forming standardized norms. Based on this language, by standardizing the information of online financial reports, a more advanced report can be compiled than the current online financial reports, and the information of online financial reports that cannot be read automatically can be converted into information that can be read automatically, which greatly facilitates the batch demand and use of information by information users. Compared with the traditional network financial report, the network financial report based on XBRL has the following characteristics:
1. Reduce the cost of information exchange, improve the availability of financial information and indirectly increase the comparability of financial information;
2. Providing timely information through the Internet improves the relevance of information and the utilization efficiency of financial information;
3. You can automatically exchange and extract financial information and become an investor or analyst without the restriction of individual company software and information systems.
4. Use financial information to provide convenience;
5. The problem of repeated input of data in different formats can be reduced;
6. Reducing the cost of information supply is beneficial for information providers to improve the efficiency of preparing financial statements.
Entrepreneurship issues