2. The decrease of share value brought by the increase of fund price will have a certain impact on investors. First of all, for funds with small assets, the decrease of share value may lead to the decrease of fund attractiveness, which in turn leads to the withdrawal of investors. Secondly, even if investors don't withdraw their capital, the decrease in the value of shares will affect their return on investment. Investors need to pay attention to the growth rate of fund net value, which is affected by the decrease of share value.
3. The decrease of share value caused by the increase of fund price is based on the internal principle, that is, the result of the increase of total net assets under the premise of the same number of shares. Of course, with the expansion of fund scale and changes in the market, fund managers will also take corresponding measures such as share conversion to ensure the liquidity of fund shares and the rights and interests of investors. When choosing a fund, investors should not only pay attention to the historical performance of the fund, the strength of the manager and the position of the fund, but also pay attention to the influence of the change of fund share on the return on investment, so as to make wise investment decisions.