According to the International Trademark Classification (Nice Classification) system, trademark registration is divided into 45 categories.
Each class represents a specific category of goods or services, which allows trademarks to be classified and organized. Trademark applicants need to select the appropriate category for registration based on the specific goods or services involved in their trademark.
The following are the 45 categories of trademark registrations listed according to the Nice classification system:
Categories 1-34: Product categories
1. Chemicals
2. Paints and pigments
3. Daily chemical products
4. Industrial greases and oils
5. Pharmaceutical products
< p>6. Hardware tools7. Mechanical equipment
8. Hand tools
9. Scientific instruments
10. Medical equipment
11. Lamps
12. Transportation
13. Arms and fireworks
14. Jewelry and watches
15. Musical instruments
16. Office supplies
17. Rubber products
18. Leather products
19. Building materials
20. Furniture
21. Kitchen utensils
22. Rope mesh bag awning
23. Textile yarn
24. Fabric sheets
25. Clothing, shoes and hats
26. Buttons and zippers
27. Carpets and mats
28. Fitness Equipment
29. Food
30. Beverages
31. Alcoholic beverages
32. Beer beverages
33. Non-alcoholic beverages
34. Tobacco smoking sets
Categories 35-45: Service categories
35. Advertising sales
36. Financial insurance
37. Construction repair
38. Communication services
39. Transportation and storage
40. Material processing
41. Education and entertainment
42. Technology services
43. Catering and accommodation
44. Medical gardening
45. Law Security
Please note that these categories are general classifications only, and specific products and services may have more detailed classifications. Trademark applicants need to choose the most suitable category for trademark registration based on their specific circumstances.
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