It is the mark of "registered trademark", which means that the trademark has been applied for registration with the National Trademark Office and has been reviewed and approved by the Trademark Office to become a registered trademark.
The R in the circle is the first letter of English register. Registered trademarks have the characteristics of exclusivity, exclusivity, and uniqueness. They are exclusively owned by the owner of the registered trademark and are protected by law. No enterprise or individual may use it without the permission or authorization of the owner of the registered trademark, otherwise they will bear infringement liability. :
A trademark is a mark used to distinguish one operator’s brand or services from the goods or services of other operators. my country's Trademark Law stipulates that for trademarks approved and registered by the Trademark Office, including commodity trademarks, service marks, collective trademarks, and certification marks, the trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to trademark and is protected by law. If it is a well-known trademark, he will obtain a cross-category trademark. Legal protection of exclusive rights.
Trademarks are intangible assets of an enterprise. There is no fixed determination of the value of a trademark. The value of a trademark as an asset in the investment or business process is the amount of capital contained in the trademark asset.
It refers to its capital value, not its honorary or subjective value. Common value judgments are usually determined by the awareness and recognition of the trademark, and are evaluated based on the estimated value that the trademark can bring to the enterprise.