First, see if there is a trademark or brand number printed on the box, and the words in small font, such as Sharp and Panasonic, are printed in the upper right corner or lower right corner, indicating "registration". Only products whose quality is recognized by the registered company have the right to use this kind of packaging, while fake or counterfeit goods will not have this kind of logo. At the same time, the country of manufacture (such as MadeinJAPAN made in Japan) or the region of manufacture (such as MadeinHongKong made in Hong Kong) is usually clearly marked on the back cover of electrical appliances, which can distinguish whether they are made locally or overseas subsidiaries. Some household appliances are not marked with the origin, which can be checked through the instruction manual. If the printing place is printed on the first page of the instruction manual, it can be concluded that the product was assembled and produced there.
Second, shanzhai or counterfeit goods often imitate foreign brands by adding, deleting and modifying them, or even steal trademarks completely to cheat. When purchasing, consumers must pay attention to which company produced the product package or manual, so as to confirm whether it is the company's product, such as color TV with Hitachi as the trademark.
Only when you see the words produced by HITACHICORPORATION on the outer packaging and instructions can you confirm that it is genuine.