There is a temple near the river bank in the south of Cangzhou. The gate of the temple collapsed in the river, and the two stone beasts in front also sank in the river. After more than ten years, the monks raised money to rebuild the temple and searched for two stone beasts in the river, but they still couldn't find them. The monks thought that the stone beast was going down the river. So I rowed a few boats, dragged iron and palladium, and searched for more than ten miles downstream, but I didn't find any traces of stone beasts.
A lecturer teaches in a temple. When he heard this, he smiled and said, "You people can't be reasonable. This is not sawdust. How could it be swept away by the soaring flood? Stone is hard and heavy, and sediment is soft and floating. Stone animals are buried in the sand and sink deeper and deeper. Isn't it upside down to look for stone beasts along the river? " Everyone is convinced that this is the correct statement.
An old river soldier heard the lecturer's point of view and said with a smile, "Any stone that falls into the river should be found in the upper reaches of the river. It is precisely because the stone is hard and heavy, the sand is soft and frivolous, and the water cannot wash away the stone. The recoil of water will inevitably erode the sand under the stone and form a pothole, and the stronger it is, the stone will fall into the pothole when the pothole extends to half of the bottom of the stone.
If you wash like this again, the stone will turn again. It keeps turning like this, so it's not going against the current. It is absurd to look for stone beasts in the lower reaches of the river; Wouldn't it be more ridiculous to look for stone beasts where they sank? "。
As a result, according to his words, I found the stone beast a few miles upstream. In this case, in many cases, we only know the superficial phenomenon and don't know the fundamental truth. Can we make subjective judgments based on a certain truth?
Original text:
Cangzhou Nanyi Temple faces the river, the mountain gate is in the river, and two stone beasts sink. When he was in his teens, the monk raised money to rebuild and begged for two stone beasts in the water, but he couldn't get them, thinking that they would go down the river. Counting the boats and dragging iron and palladium, I searched for more than ten miles without a trace.
A lecturer put up a tent temple and said with a smile, "My generation can't learn physics. If it is right or wrong, how can you get carried away for the sake of skyrocketing? It is hard and heavy in stone, loose and floating in sand, and heavy and deep in sand. Searching along the river is not bumpy? " Public service is the truth.
When an old river soldier heard this, he laughed and said, "The stone was thrown in the river, so you should look for the upper layer. The cover stone is solid and heavy, the sand is loose and floating, and the water can't wash the stone. Its anti-excitation force will bite the sand at the water-facing place under the stone, and the excitation will gradually deepen. When the stone is in the middle, it will fall into the pit. If you take another bite, the stone will turn again. Turn around and I'll go back and forth. Seeking the bottom and fixing the top; Isn't it more bumpy in the land of search? " As he said, fruit is thousands of miles away. However, this is a matter of the world, but knowing one and not knowing how many others there are, can we make a reasonable assumption?
Introduction to the work:
This article is selected from Notes of Yue Hui Caotang. The title was added by the editor. Reading Notes of Returning to Caotang is a short story written by Ji Yun in the form of notes in Qing Dynasty. Ji Yun was born in the Hanlin Academy and was written from 54 years of Qianlong to 3 years of Jiaqing. In terms of content, it mainly collects various mysterious rural stories such as ghosts and gods, what goes around comes around, exhorting the good and punishing the evil, or anecdotes seen with one's own eyes, all over China, from Urumqi in the north to Yining, and then to Yunnan and Guizhou in the south.