Registered trademark cancellation can be divided into three types: cancellation due to improper use, cancellation due to improper registration, and cancellation due to dispute. Improper use of revocation means that if the words, graphics or combinations that constitute a registered trademark violate the trademark prohibition clause and violate the obligation to use the registered trademark reasonably, they should be revoked; improper registration revocation includes revocation without a time limit and revocation with a time limit. Cancellation is mainly based on the provisions of Articles 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, and 31 of the Trademark Law. Different cancellation methods are adopted; dispute cancellation means that the registrant of a previously registered trademark can revoke a later registered trademark. File a dispute with an identical or similar trademark on the same or similar goods, and request the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board to rule on the cancellation of the later registered trademark.