VIN is the abbreviation of English Vehicle Identification Number. Because the SAE standard (Society of Automotive Engineers) stipulates that the VIN code consists of 17 characters, it is commonly known as the seventeen-digit code. It contains information such as the vehicle's manufacturer, year, model, body type and code, engine code and assembly location. Correct interpretation of the VIN code is very important for us to correctly identify the vehicle model and conduct correct diagnosis and repair.
Detailed explanation of VIN code
1 to 3 digits (WMI): manufacturer, brand and type;
1st digit: indicates geographical area (country)
1 United States J Japan S United Kingdom
2 Canada K South Korea T Switzerland
3 Mexico L China V France
R Taiwan W Germany
6 Australia Y Sweden
9 Brazil Z Italy
No. 2: Automobile manufacturer code
1-Chevrolet B-BMW M-Hyundai
2-Pontiac B-Dodge M-Mitsubishi
3-Oldsmobile C-Chrysler M-Mercury
4-Buick D-Mercedes N- Infiniti
5-Pontiac E-Eagle N-Nissan
6-Cadillac F-Ford P-Plymouth
7-GM Canada G-General M S-Subaru
8-Saturn G Suzuki T-Lexus
8-Isuzu H-Acura T-Toyota
A-Alfa Romeo H-Honda V-Volkswagen
p>A-Audi J-Jeep V-Volvo
A-Jaguar L-Daewoo Y-Mazda
L-Lincoln Z Ford
Z -Mazda
G=All brands belonging to General Motors: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Saturn
Digit 3: Car type code
(Different manufacturers have different interpretations)
Some manufacturers may use the first 3-digit combination code to indicate a specific brand:
TRU/WAU Audi 1YV/JM1 Mazda
< p>4US/WBA/WBS BMW WDB Mercedes Benz2HM/KMH Hyundai VF3 Peugeot
SAJ Jaguar WP0 Porsche
SAL Land Rover YK1/YS3 Saab< /p>
YV1 Volvo
4 to 8 digits (VDS): vehicle characteristics:
Car: type, series, body type, engine type and restraint system type;< /p>
MPV: type, series, body type, engine type and vehicle rated gross weight;
Truck: model or type, series, chassis, cab type, engine type, make Propulsion system and rated gross vehicle weight;
Passenger car: model or type, series, body type, engine type and braking system.
Position 9: Check digit. Fill in this position with a "check digit" (1 number or 1 letter "X") used to indicate the accuracy of the vehicle identification number (VIN) writing. . The VIN of a U.S. vehicle manufacturer has a verification digit at the 9th digit, which is required by U.S. federal regulations. Its purpose is to check the numbers, verify whether the VIN is filled in correctly, and prevent counterfeit products.
It is the remainder obtained by multiplying the sum of the corresponding values ??of other 16-bit character codes by the weight of the position divided by 11. When the remainder is 0-9, the remainder is the check number; when the remainder is 10, the letter "X" is used as Check the numbers.
Calculated based on standard weighting (see "World Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Data Manual" P21~23).
No. 10: Model year
B 1981 K 1989 V 1997 5 2005
C 1982 L 1990 W 1998 6 2006
D 1983 M 1991 2 2002 A 2010
H 1987 S 1995 3 2003 B 2011
J 1988 T 1996 4 2004
No. 11: Assembly plant
< p>12~17 digits: sequence number