1. “PIERRE CARDIN” and graphic trademarks, “piere cardin” and graphic trademarks, “Piercardin” trademark, “london pierre cardin” trademark, “PIERRE JIENI” trademark, and “Pietkadin” used by some operators "The trademark and the graphic trademark of Pierre Cardin Clothing Co., Ltd. in Chaoyang District, Shantou City are identical or similar to the registered "PIERRE CARDIN" and graphic trademark of Mr. Pierre Cardin, the founder of the company, which is legally used by the French Pierre Cardin Company. It is suspected that Trademark Infringement.
2. The product packaging and decoration used by some operators are similar to the packaging and decoration of "Pierre Cardin" products authorized by the French company Pierre Cardin.
Three, Shantou Chaoyang District Pierre Cardin Clothing Co., Ltd., Zijin County Federal Pierre Cardin Clothing Co., Ltd., Pierre Cardin Clothing (Huizhou) Co., Ltd., Haikou Pierre Cardin Clothing Co., Ltd. A company applied to register the French "Pierre Cardin" trademark as a trade name in its own company name, allegedly violating relevant regulations and misleading the public.
4. Some operators use the French company Pierre Cardin's trade name and the company's "Pierre Cardin" trademark as their own trade names, register the company name in Hong Kong, and then authorize relevant mainland enterprises to use and manufacture In response to the market confusion, the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has ruled to cancel two companies, Italian Pierre Cardin (Hong Kong) International Co., Ltd. and Italian Pierre Cardin (Hong Kong) International Group Co., Ltd., from the company register and business registration records. names, but these two corporate names continue to be used by some operators in the mainland market.