A syllable that ends with a vowel is called an open syllable, and a syllable that ends with a consonant is called a closed syllable. \x0d 1. Syllable: The syllable is the basic unit of pronunciation. The pronunciation of any word is decomposed into Read syllables one by one. Vowels are particularly loud in English. One vowel can form a syllable, and a vowel combined with one or several consonant phonemes can also form a syllable. Generally speaking, vowels can form syllables, but consonants cannot Loud and cannot form syllables. However, there are four consonants [m], [n], [ng], and [l] in English consonant letters that are sonorants. They can also form syllables when combined with consonant phonemes. The syllables they form often Appears at the end of a word, usually an unstressed syllable. English words have one syllable, two syllables, and multiple syllables. One syllable is called monosyllable, two syllables are called disyllabic, and three or more syllables are called polysyllabic. For example: take take, ta'ble table, pota'to` potato, pop`ula'tion population, congrat`ula'tion congratulations.tel'ecommu`nica'tion telecommunications\x0d method of dividing syllables: vowels are the main body of syllables , consonants are the dividing line between syllables. No matter how many vowels there are between two consonants, they are generally one syllable. For example: bed bed, bet, seat, beat, beat, beaut, beau'ty, beauty. Two yuan When there is a consonant letter between the consonants, the consonant letter is assigned to the following syllable, such as: stu'dent student, la'bour labor. When there are two consonant letters, one consonant letter is assigned to the previous syllable, and the other is assigned to the following syllable. For example: let'ter letter, win'ter winter. Letter combinations that cannot be separated are divided into syllables according to letter combinations. For example: father, father, tea'cher, teacher.\x0d1) Syllables can be divided into open syllables and closed syllables according to pronunciation. \x0dOpen syllables can be divided into absolute open syllables and relative open syllables\x0d(1) Absolute open syllables: refer to syllables composed of a vowel letter without a consonant letter after it, such as: we, hi, yo-yo\x0d (2) Relative open syllable: refers to a syllable consisting of a vowel letter followed by a consonant letter (except r) and finally a silent e, such as: take, make\x0dIn an open syllable, this vowel The sound letter pronounces the "letter" sound itself, such as hi|hai|, use|ju: z|\x0d(3) Closed syllable: refers to the syllable composed of consonant letters (except the consonant letter r) after the vowel letter, such as: leg , cross\x0d2) Syllables can be divided into stressed syllables and unstressed syllables according to stress\x0dStressed syllable: refers to a syllable with a particularly loud pronunciation in a two-syllable or multi-syllable word, which is called a stressed syllable and is marked with the accent mark "`" In the corresponding position, other syllables are unstressed syllables, such as begin |begin|. Single-syllable words are stressed, but no accent marks are marked. Generally speaking, there are as many pronounced vowels in a word as there are Syllables. Such as habit, politics, no, etc. But please note: (1) The silent e at the end of the word does not constitute a syllable. Such as bike, take, etc.; (2) Two vowels are together, usually a letter combination, pronounced A vowel forms a syllable, such as book, rain, etc.; (3) -le at the end of a word can form a syllable with the consonant in front of it, such as a-ble, peo-ple, etc. The stress of a two-syllable word is generally on the first on each syllable, such as basic, even, window, open, stu-dent, etc. The vowels in stressed syllables are pronounced the same as monosyllabic words, with open syllables pronounced as letter sounds and closed syllables pronounced as short vowels. How do you know? Is it an open syllable or a closed syllable? (1) If there are two consonants between two vowels, they should be separated in the middle, one on each side. For example, mat-ter, mem-ber, win-dow, doc-tor, sup -per, lit-tle, etc. In this way, the first syllable ends with a consonant letter, which is
The closed syllable is emphasized, and the vowel letter is pronounced as a short vowel. (2) There is a consonant letter between the two vowel letters, and the consonant letter is classified into the next syllable. Such as basic, region, open, human, etc. In this way, the first syllable It ends with a vowel letter, which stresses the open syllable, and the vowel letter is pronounced as its letter sound. However, in disyllabic words, many vowel letters in the stressed open syllable are still pronounced as short vowels. For example, second, present , ever, hover, modern, proper, etc. When there is /i/ in the second syllable, the a, e, i, o in the first syllable are mostly pronounced as short vowels. Such as spanish, habit, mes-sage, city, system , profit, etc. (3) If the first syllable is the r syllable or other vowel letter combination, its pronunciation method is basically the same as that of monosyllabic words, such as army, merit, circle, order, purple, awesome, autumn, etc. But there are also short pronunciations. Vowels, such as knowledge, nourish, etc. (4) Vowel letters a, e, o, u, and letter combinations ar, er, or, ure, etc. in unstressed syllables are generally pronounced as / /, such as about, silent , atom, supply, radar, supper, doctor, etc. i, y and the letter combination ay, ey are generally pronounced as /i/, such as acid, thirty, Sunday, valley.a, e can also be read as /i/, such as comrade, before, etc. o is still pronounced at the end of the word, such as hero, Negro, etc.