No, there is no right to apply for the trademark. TM is only applying for registration and may not be approved. TM is the abbreviation of TRADEMARK, which means "commercial mark" and is generally called "trademark". In China, a capital "TM" in the upper right corner of a product name indicates that the trademark is under registration and has not yet obtained a trademark certificate. The mark "R" in the upper right corner indicates that the trademark has been registered and a trademark certificate has been obtained. Trademarks must be registered to be legally protected. my country's Trademark Law stipulates: "A trademark approved and registered by the Trademark Office is a registered trademark, and the trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark and is protected by law." In other words, prior actual use of a trademark has no effect against trademark registration. Therefore, unregistered trademarks always lack rights protection and may be prohibited from use at any time because someone else has applied for registration of the same or similar trademark.