Adventure Island: Bicanbao, Green Velvet Silkworm and Hua Hudie (Pufei). Good mouse, Pippi mouse (Pu). Twitter birds, toucans (general/flying). Crescent snake, crescent snake (poison), Ditto (inaccessible).
Rainbow Island (2 Gems): DuDu Bird, Bobo Bird, Bibi Bird (Pufei), Xiaoxiang Pig, and Vanilla Pig (Pufei). Red velvet and red eyes (fire). Pudding, Bucodin (Pu). Nuo Nuo, Mixiangnuo (poison).
Romantic Island (5 gems): Bugu, Bugudan (poison). Little Firefox, Flame Fox (Fire). Small pincer crab, giant pincer crab (water). Hibiscus, Brocade Hibiscus (water). Little sea lion, Bai Haishi (water).
Liuli Island (8 gems): Little Boudoir and Boudoir Monster (water/electricity). Jade bird, jade bird (super/flying). Whooping whales, roaring whales (water). Goo goo, big goo goo bird (general/flying). Dull deer, Han blood deer (fire/ground).
Emerald Island (12, gems): Mumu Miao, Mumu (grass). Wooper, Ubud (water/land). Molten fire treasure (fire), lava treasure (fire rock). Lurgi, Lurgi Rabbit (Pu). Round gull, fat gull (water/fly).
Mercury Island (16, gems): floating bubbles, inaccessible (General). Squirrel with tail, elegant squirrel (general). Baa baa, continuous, electric flowers (electricity). Kiki, Siqi (Pu).
Pearl Island (2 gems): curly rabbit and curly tail rabbit (General). Charming fox, noble fox (general). Trick or treat, black meow (poison/evil). Cotton treasure, kapok rabbit (grass) scent,