Directly log in to the China Trademark Network to query. China Trademark Network "Trademark Inquiry" Service Item Inquiry Directly refer to the classification instructions for goods and services for trademark registration on the official website of the National Trademark Office. Entrust a professional agency to inquire. I hope it can help you. Trademark registration categories: Trademarks are divided into commodities according to their uses and functions. (Categories 1-34) and services (Categories 35-45), ***Category 45. The International Classification of Goods lawpanel was established on June 15, 1957 by the Nice Agreement on the International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration, which was formally signed by some developed countries at the Diplomatic Conference in Nice, France. It was established in 1961. Effective April 8, 2019. Currently, 33 countries have officially joined the Nice Union, more than 80 non-Nice Agreement member states have adopted the International Commodity Classification, and the Nice Agreement has been revised nine times. The International Commodity Classification was published in a volume in 1987, called the International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration.