When an enterprise develops to a certain extent, it will face various temptations from its own development needs and the external market environment. In this case, whether to stick to the main business or develop moderately diversified development is a very realistic question faced by many garment enterprises. Exam questions. Different choices of different companies lead to completely different results. On the road to diversification, there are still some successful cases worth thinking about and learning from. Related diversification is conducive to strengthening the main business. Many companies have been very successful on the road to diversification. In particular, related diversification strategies around core industries in the same field have achieved good results and have become a business model worthy of recognition and consideration by clothing companies. Haier’s diversified layout once became a model praised by many companies. Before 1992, Haier spent seven years specializing in the production of refrigerators, making Haier the only well-known trademark in China's home appliance industry at that time. Starting in 1992, with Qingdao Refrigerator General Factory as the core, Haier Group Corporation was established by merging Qingdao Freezer General Factory and Air Conditioner Factory. The business scope expanded to refrigeration home appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners, and became a famous brand product in China. . In 1995, Haier Group acquired Qingdao Red Star Electric Co., Ltd. and entered the washing machine industry on a large scale. Later, it began to produce microwave ovens, water heaters and other products through internal development. In 1997, it established a joint venture with Caiyang Home Appliances General Factory to establish Caiyang Haier Electric Co., Ltd. and entered the small household appliance industry. In the same year, Haier and West Lake Electronics Group jointly established Hangzhou Haier Electrical Appliances to produce color TVs, VCDs and other products. So far, Haier Group has been involved in almost all home appliance industries. It is not difficult to see that Haier’s diversification strategy has a clear line, which is to consolidate its core business based on technology research and development, rely on strong management advantages, create brand effects around the horizontal extension of the main business, and ultimately manage sales channels to occupy the home appliance market. Haier's success shows that the development of diversification must take the main business as the starting point, innovate core technologies, give full play to the synergy of technology, resources, etc., and extend to the surrounding areas; focus is the foundation of diversification. The success of Armani's diversified management can be summed up in one sentence, which is the management method of aesthetic philosophy: deeply implant the unique Armani style such as fashion, classic and elegance into every fashionable men's wear brand and product line in the group. Fabrizio Dosi, CEO of the Armani Group Asia Pacific, told the media that the key to Armani's successful business strategy is the ability to position and distinguish different series according to the characteristics of each brand, while ensuring that they all have the Armani style. The Armani Group has always maintained independent development, but it is this independence that has allowed it to avoid pressure from outside investors and achieve its own independent development. Independence means being able to make autonomous decisions based on the long-term development of the company. It also means being able to quickly act on long-term strategies once decisions are made. In many ways, Armani is running the Armani Group the same way he founded the company, putting the needs of his customers first. According to Fabrizio Dosi, the aesthetic management philosophy is Armani's consistent business model in the Chinese market. Armani's revenue in the Chinese market last year increased by 36% year-on-year, and the Chinese market share has grown strongly in the past three years. Armani currently has 180 sales points in China, including direct stores and dealers. Armani plans to open 35 new sales points every year, and this number will continue to grow. When talking about Armani's diversification strategy, Li Kailuo, a well-known Chinese fashion industry economics research expert, said that Armani's diversification is a strategy of integration around a core industry. After setting strategic goals, it is quickly implemented, independent and clear. Diversified products are all related to luxury life. Armani's originality and aesthetic ideas are used as the support system for brand diversification, and the main business is the core origin for related extensions. This is a kind of diversity in the same industry but in different industries, that is, we do not talk about fashion in terms of clothing, but put Armani into a fashion industry and use aesthetics and design to integrate different industries. In the long run, this diversification is worth studying and comparing with the development trend of the clothing industry. The diversification path of Septwolves can be described as clear positioning. On the road to diversification, Septwolves first clearly proposed the positioning theme of Septwolves - advocating a new culture for men.
In 1996, Septwolves cooperated with Fujian Jinjiang Tobacco Monopoly Bureau to develop and produce gold medal Septwolves cigarettes; in 1997, Septwolves Company launched Septwolves Golden Bottle Beer, positioned as a mid-to-high-end wine; in 1998, Septwolves actively participated in tea culture products industry. In just a few years, Septwolves has successfully penetrated into all areas of men's lives - tobacco, beer, leather, clothing, etc. with its unique brand charm. At first glance, it seems that these diversifications are too broad and do not conform to the laws of diversification, but in fact, the diversification of the Seven Wolves is closely centered around advocating a new culture for men. Based on the accurate grasp of the male spirit, Septwolves has integrated clothing, cigarettes, alcohol, tea and other industries under the masculine culture: clothing represents confidence and stability, cigarettes symbolize heaviness and thinking, and alcohol expresses Chic and bold, tea emphasizes tranquility and reverie. The main male personality traits are all integrated into the products of Septwolves in various industries. And Septwolves cooperates with powerful and experienced companies in the industry, taking advantage of the Septwolves brand and joining forces, which will undoubtedly make its road to diversification smoother and ultimately achieve an effective extension of the brand image.