For start-ups, dealing with trademark issues will cause less damage than some large companies. It can be saved very quickly, but for people who have just started a business and get into trademark disputes, they usually have to pay a high price. So let’s take a look at how to prevent losses from early-stage trademark disputes for startups.
First of all, the goods were forced to be removed from the shelves. Once a start-up company's trademark infringement is infringed, it will affect the launch of the company's products, at least until the trademark dispute is resolved.
Changing the brand name then can lead to the failure of early efforts. If a startup does infringe on a trademark due to its own negligence, the only solution is to change its name. Once the name changes, the company's early promotion is in vain, and all efforts are in vain. In this way, consumers may question the company's reputation due to the loss of brand image.
Secondly, pay huge infringement fees. After a start-up company is found to have trademark infringement, it is natural for the victim to file a claim. The amount of compensation for trademark infringement has been increasing, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions. For a start-up company, this amount of compensation is undoubtedly devastating.
Therefore, when facing trademarks, we must make a good layout as early as possible to avoid causing heavy losses.
So, what if the company gets into a trademark dispute? We must raise awareness of trademark prevention. Companies must realize the necessity of trademarks and realize that trademarks are the prerequisite for brand building. Without a trademark, it is difficult for a company to grow safely. Therefore, before exploring the market, we must first register the trademark. When launching a new trademark, confidentiality measures should be taken to prevent others from leaking the trademark.
Then do the application work. Before a company applies for a trademark, it must do the trademark application work in advance, such as knowing the types of rest trademarks involved in its field, what types need to be registered, what types of defensive registrations are required, and in which countries it must be registered, etc. A company's trademark type must be chosen to avoid their brand becoming famous or registering in another category, causing damage to the company's brand image.
Different development stages also have different development strategies. Start-ups should strengthen trademark protection according to different development stages, defend against trademark registration, and avoid brand dilution.
Therefore, in the face of the above situation, start-up companies should protect their trademarks at that time, determine the application category and register the trademark type according to the specific role, so that the company can develop rapidly.
Direct trademark business: trademark registration