The trademark owner owns the trademark rights, which means that the trademark owner has his own registered trademark and exclusive right to dispose of it. After a trademark is registered, it is equivalent to the state directly granting exclusive rights to the trademark owner.
However, trademark registration does not mean you can rest assured. During the use of a trademark, trademark rights may be terminated. The termination of trademark rights means that due to certain legal factors, the trademark registrant loses the exclusive rights to the trademark, so the trademark is not protected by law. What factors can lead to the termination of trademark rights?
1. If the trademark expires or is not renewed within the grace period, the trademark rights are terminated
The validity period of trademark registration is ten years after the registration is completed. The trademark expires and needs to be renewed. If it is not renewed within the registration period and grace period, the Trademark Office will terminate its trademark authority.
2. The trademark registrant automatically applies for cancellation and terminates the trademark rights
Due to business needs and other reasons, the trademark registrant can cancel the trademark and terminate the rights of the trademark.
3. If there is any objection to the registered trademark, the registered trademark will be revoked by the Trademark Evaluation Committee, resulting in the termination of trademark rights
4. If the trademark owner dies or terminates, the trademark rights will be terminated
5. If a trademark registrant registers a trademark without authorization, the Trademark Office has the right to revoke the registration, thereby terminating the trademark rights
6. The trademark registrant violates the trademark law, causing the trademark to be revoked and the trademark rights to be terminated .
Therefore, even after the trademark registration is completed, there will be certain risks. The owner of a registered trademark should also pay attention to various matters to avoid various problems caused by the termination of trademark rights. At the same time, trademark owners must also pay attention to protecting their trademarks and preventing others from infringing upon them. Because trademarks are so important to businesses, we need to take them very seriously.