Except for tobacco products in my country, which must apply for and use registered trademarks, other products may or may not register trademarks.
Products do not need to be trademarked. From a legal perspective, the trademark registration system of my country’s Trademark Law follows the principle of voluntary registration and encouraged registration. Except for tobacco products, which must apply for and use registered trademarks, other products can be registered. Trademark, no need to register a trademark. However, judging from the current market trends, applying for and using registered trademarks for products in advance is a popular and long-term trend.
Whether a product is legal depends on whether the product itself meets the quality standards stipulated by the relevant country for the product, and has no necessary connection with whether it has a registered trademark.
Trademarks are not required for general food products, including pickles, fried foods, vegetables, fruits and other bulk products. Generally, trademarks are not required.