Trademark registration is different from trademark trading. Many high-quality trademarks are registered, and there are fewer and fewer trademarks to choose from. Trademarks that can give people a good feeling will become more and more valuable. What are the main reasons that affect trademark registration? The following is an introduction by Bajie Xiaobian.
The average number of valid trademarks owned by market entities per household is 1,52, which is significantly higher than that of 1,74 in 211. There are several main reasons that affect trademark registration:
1. The country pays more and more attention to intellectual property protection, and the awareness of intellectual property rights of enterprises and individuals becomes stronger, and the number of people who register trademarks and apply for copyright patents will also increase.
2. More and more enterprises have carried out intellectual property protection, such as category protection, and registered the corresponding trademarks of the products they don't operate. Many big brands will try their best to do 45 categories of full-class protection.
3. The standards of trademark examination are becoming more and more perfect. Some names that are similar to trademarks and have adverse effects on society are not registered.
4. Trademarks are non-renewable resources. The more successful trademark registration, the less one non-renewable resource. It is basically impossible to register a trademark with the same name again. Just like domain names, good domain names are worth millions or even tens of millions, which is why.
at the same time, the more trademarks are registered, the more the trademark trading market is promoted. Trademark transaction means that the transferor transfers the successfully registered R trademark to the transferee through trademark transfer. The period of trademark transfer is generally 6-8 months, and the probability of successful trademark transfer is very high. That is to say, you can get a high-quality R trademark through trademark transfer without facing any risks. The general cost of trademark transfer is between 2, and 5,.
from the above, what are the main reasons that affect trademark registration? Everyone has an understanding that for trademarks, whether they are obtained through registration application or transfer, we need to obtain a meaningful trademark according to our own product characteristics. I hope the above articles can help everyone.
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