Can be considered from the perspective of product quality. Authentic horn products are usually of high strength and durability, while fakes may have quality problems. If the cracks are caused by normal use, it is likely that these items are inferior or shoddy products. It is recommended that you carefully observe the location and shape of cracks. If it is a place where cracks should not occur under normal use, it is likely that these items are fake.
You can consider the purchase channel and price. If the price of the horn spoon and hairpin you buy is extremely cheap, far below the market price or other channels, then it may be a fake. Fake and shoddy products usually attract consumers at low prices, but their quality is often not as good as genuine products. I suggest you compare the price and evaluation of other channels or online stores to determine whether there is any problem with the purchased items.
We can also consider the packaging and trademark of the goods. Commodities produced by regular manufacturers usually have complete packaging and clear trademarks, while fakes may have problems such as poor packaging, vague or missing trademarks. You can carefully check the packaging and trademarks of horn spoons and hair clips. If there are obvious defects or quality problems, they are probably fakes.
You can get a more accurate judgment by consulting relevant authorities or professionals. For example, you can consult relevant consumer protection organizations or professional appraisal institutions, who can help you determine the authenticity of goods through professional appraisal.
According to the information you provided, the cracks on the horn spoon and hairpin may be due to the poor quality of these items or fakes. It is suggested that you comprehensively consider the factors such as product quality, purchase channel and price, commodity packaging, trademark and so on to judge whether it is fake or not, and seek the help of relevant professional institutions if necessary.