There are paints that can prevent mildew: anti-mildew paint.
Anti-mildew coating has the dual effects of architectural decoration and anti-mildew. It has extensive, high-efficiency and long-term sterilization and inhibition capabilities against mold and yeast. The fundamental difference from ordinary decorative coatings is that a certain amount of mold inhibitors or inorganic nanopowders that inhibit mold are added to anti-mold coatings during the manufacturing process.
Commonly used organic antifungal agents include: sodium pentachlorophenol, phenylmercuric acetate, carbendazim, chlorothalonil, antifungal agents, etc. Among them, sodium pentachlorophenol and phenylmercuric acetate are more toxic and should be used with caution.
Inorganic antifungal agents include: nano-silver, nano-copper, nano-zinc or various inorganic nano-material doping technology to synthesize powders. Among them, due to differences in mold types or mold-proof environments, it is appropriate to use inorganic nanomaterial doping technology to synthesize powders.