Step 2: The patent assignor and the patent assignee sign a patent assignment contract. This is a key step in the process of patent transfer. After the patent transferor and the transferee reach an agreement, the subsequent transfer-related work can be effectively carried out. In the transfer contract, there should be clear words about the interests of both parties.
Step 3: Both parties prepare relevant documents required for patent transfer. These documents should be filled out in strict accordance with the prescribed forms, so as to shorten the time for China National Intellectual Property Administration to review documents and speed up the review.
Step 4: Entrust a patent agency to submit relevant documents to the Patent Office. This is an important part of the patent transfer process. Because only after the patent office has passed the examination, the patent transfer has a legal basis. Therefore, in this process, the entrusted patent agency will play an important role, and choosing the right patent agency is also a detail that cannot be ignored in this process.
Step 5: Wait for the result of patent transfer. The patent office will inform the examination result when it examines it. If approved, the patent office will generally issue a notice of patent transfer within 2 to 6 months. Relevant change results can be found in China National Intellectual Property Administration Patent Library.