The following is a complete list of trademark registration categories, which are divided into 45 categories according to the international classification system (Nice Classification):
Category 1: Chemical Products
Category 2 : Pigments, coatings, dyes
Category 3: Daily chemicals, detergents, spices
Category 4: Fuel, gas
Category 5: Medicine, medical treatment Supplies
Category 6: Metal materials, building materials
Category 7: Mechanical equipment
Category 8: Hand tools, knives
Category 9: Scientific instruments, electronic products
Category 10: Medical equipment, prostheses
Category 11: Lighting equipment, heating equipment
Category 12: Vehicles, means of transportation
Category 13: Firearms, Explosives
Category 14: Jewelry, Clocks and Clocks
Category 15: Musical Instruments
Category 16: Office Supplies, Paper
Category 17: Rubber products, plastic products
Category 18: Leather products
Category 19: Non-metal building materials
Category 20: Furniture, household items
Category 21: Kitchen utensils, utensils
Category 22: Ropes, tents, canvas
Category 23: Textiles, spinning thread< /p>
Category 24: Fabrics, bedding
Category 25: Clothing, shoes and hats
Category 26: Lace, buttons, zippers
Category 27: Carpets, wallpapers
Category 28: Sports equipment, toys
Category 29: Meat, fish, vegetables
Category 30: Coffee, tea , sugar
Category 31: Agriculture and gardening supplies
Category 32: Beer, beverages
Category 33: Alcoholic beverages
Category 34 : Tobacco, lighters
Category 35: Advertising, business management
Category 36: Finance, insurance
Category 37: Construction repair, installation services
Category 38: Communications, Telecommunications
Category 39: Transportation, Packaging Services
Category 40: Material Handling, Article Processing
Category 41: Education, Entertainment services
Category 42: Scientific and technical services
Category 43: Hotels and catering services
Category 44: Medical and beauty services
Category 45: Legal and security services
Please note that the above are only general classifications based on the international classification system, and the specific trademark registration categories may vary according to the regulations of different countries or regions. During the trademark registration process, it is recommended to refer to the regulations and guidelines of the local trademark registration authority to ensure that the correct category is selected.
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