Honey is a natural sweet substance obtained by bees from the flowers of flowering plants and fully brewed in the hive. The honey we come into contact with is an edible product that can be directly used for various purposes and has certain benefits for the human body. How to choose the category of honey trademark?
We can learn from the query in the Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Encyclopedia that the honey trademark belongs to Class 30 - 3005 - Honey, Royal Jelly and other nutritious foods - Honey 300098.
The ways to obtain trademarks in Yunnan can be divided into trademark registration and trademark transfer. Needless to say, trademark registration has its pros and cons when enterprises first come into contact with trademarks. There are also pros and cons of transfer, but this time Beyond these two points, let’s talk about how enterprises should conduct trademark notarization when transferring. There are two ways to notarize trademark transfer, notarization of trademark transfer declaration and notarization of trademark transfer agreement.
Both methods require information to be compiled. The notarization of the trademark transfer declaration requires the original identity certificate of the declarant, such as an original ID card or household registration book for a natural person; a business license and legal person ID card for a legal person. Original; trademark registration certificate; if the trademark is transferred by a natural person, proof of marital status must also be provided; if a legal person transfers the trademark, a meeting resolution of the company's internal decision-making body with authority agreeing to the transfer is required; the text of the declaration; if the evidence provided is insufficient, it will be The notary requires supplementary supporting materials;
There is also a notarization of the trademark transfer agreement. The required materials include the identity certificates of both parties to the agreement; the property rights certificates involved in the agreement; the provision contract; and the trademark transfer agreement.
Actually, trademark transfer does not have to be notarized, but in order to avoid subsequent trouble, it is safer to have it notarized. Notarization is not required. If both parties to the transfer are enterprises, notarization is not required and the application can be submitted directly. If the transferor is an individual and the transferee is an enterprise, notarization is not required in this case;
However, when the transferee is an individual, trademark notarization can be performed. After all, individuals are in a weaker position than enterprises. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of individuals, trademark notarization can be performed. If the transferor's company is about to be transferred or canceled, the trademark must be notarized in advance before the transfer to avoid disputes arising from the transferor's inability to cooperate with the transferee's notarization later.
So there is a very unimageable metaphor. Notarization is like a query before registration. Although there is no regulation and it is not required, if you can do this, maybe there will be many things later that you don’t have to do. Worry no more.