1. trademark; Brand [(+of)]
This brand of tea is my favorite.
This kind of tea is my favorite.
2. (style, manners, etc. )[(+of)]
He has his own unique humor.
He has his unique humor.
3. Brand (on livestock); Criminals' brand (formerly)
4. a sign of shame, shame
The reputation of cowards is a disadvantage in military career.
The stigma of cowards is bad for military career.
5. Burning (or charred) wood
6. Book torch; sword
transitive verb
1. Brand; Print logo ... in
All the cows on the farm are branded with the letter a.
All the cows on this farm are branded with "A".
2. Increase the shame of ... to ... [(+as)][O9]
The press called him a liar.
The press called him a liar.
3. engraved on; Bear in mind
Start over, start over.