1 class-chemicals
Class 2-Pigments and Coatings
Category 3-Cosmetics
Class 4-Industrial Oils and Fats
Category 5-Pharmaceutical Products
Class 6-metallic materials
Class 7-mechanical equipment
Category 8- Handheld Instruments
Category 9- Scientific Instruments
/kloc-class 0/0-medical devices
1 1 class-lighting equipment
Category 12- means of transport
Category 13- Firearms and Fireworks
Category 14- jewelry and watches
Category 15- Musical Instruments
Category 16- Office Supplies
Category 17- rubber products
/kloc-category 0/8-leather
Category 19- building materials
Category 20- Furniture
Category 2 1- kitchen utensils
Category 22- Rope net bag sunshade
Class 23- Yarn
Category 24- cloth, shoes and hats
Category 25- Clothing Accessories
Category 26- Button Zippers
Category 27- carpet mats
Category 28- Game Toys
Class 29- Carnivorous Fish
Class 30- Food Seasoning
Category 3 1- agricultural and forestry products
Class 32- Beer and Beverage
Class 33- Liquor
Class 34- Smoking paraphernalia
Category 35- Advertising Sales
Category 36- Financial Real Estate
Category 37- Building Repair
Class 38- Communication Services
Category 39- Transport Travel
Class 40- Material Handling
Category 4 1- education and entertainment
Category 42- Scientific and technical services
Category 43- Catering and Accommodation
Category 44- Health Care
Category 45-Legal Protection
These categories are classified according to the different characteristics of goods and services. According to your specific situation, you can choose the appropriate category to register a trademark.
The above contents were carefully arranged by Zhu Bajie. Com, I hope I can help you.