You can go to the China Trademark Network to initially check whether it is a similar trademark on the same or similar goods as a trademark that has been applied for or registered by others. In addition, whether it violates the prohibition clauses and prohibition clauses of the trademark law requires professionals to analyze.
Queries are essential. Therefore, if modern enterprises want to succeed, they must establish trademark awareness. If they have a good trademark, they must register it as soon as possible to seize the opportunity. After registering a good trademark, you need to run it carefully and promote it.
Trademark search has a blind period and is not 100% accurate. However, you can find a professional agency to help you search, and the risk can be reduced to very small.
Some companies have no trademark awareness. They make good products and have their own brands, but they do not carefully operate them as brands, or even register trademarks. They wait until they make their products bigger. When you are in a situation, it is easy for others to take advantage of you.