Online shopping has become an indispensable part of consumers. If you are not careful when shopping online, you may buy fake products. Recently, Ms. Cai from Wuxi called the police claiming that she had just purchased a Dyson hair dryer online. , not long after using it, problems such as the switch not working and frequent power outages often occurred. Because this product was not purchased from Dyson’s official flagship store, I suspected that the hair dryer I bought was a counterfeit product. The police hired an appraiser from Dyson to identify the product, which was not produced by Dyson but a fake.
The police followed the clues through this merchant store and dispatched 150 police officers to Shenzhen, Dongguan and other places, and arrested 22 suspects, two counterfeiting dens, and five outlets selling fake goods. The criminal suspect Kong bought a genuine Dyson hair dryer, then disassembled each part, and then compared the parts to buy them. After buying all the parts, he assembled them, affixed trademarks, packaging, etc. Such a fake Dyson hair dryer was produced. The cost of a counterfeit product is about 320 yuan, and after resale, it can reach 2,000 yuan in online sales stores.
If the technology of self-assembly is not up to standard, there is naturally no safety guarantee. Ms. Cai broke down just after using it a few times. Products with substandard quality have safety hazards and can cause personal injury to consumers. For genuine products, the counterfeit products manufactured by Kong seriously infringed on brand rights, caused serious economic losses and damaged brand reputation.
Sun not only manufactures counterfeit products but also sells counterfeit products. He should be subject to severe administrative penalties. According to relevant laws and regulations, he will be ordered to stop production and sales and all illegally produced and sold products will be confiscated, and he will be fined 100% of the value of the products produced and sold. If the amount exceeds 50%, the penalty shall be three times or less. Consumers who find that they have been deceived above can report and defend their rights to the market supervision department, request relevant departments to handle it in accordance with the law, and ask those who create and sell counterfeit goods to compensate.