Although the clothes sold by roadside stalls are cheap, their purchase volume is also quite low, so they make money. Once I went out to visit the morning market, at that time I went to the wholesale market to buy goods, and the price was low, because I took it in bulk. The customers in the morning market are all people with poor economic conditions, so the prices of goods are also very low, otherwise no one will buy them. Many people look at my low price and wonder if I will not make money. Actually, I earn it, too, just a little less. For example, those who can do business will speculate at high prices and find a few people to act. After a hype, the goods will sell more and earn more.
Roadside stalls have low cost, no store fees and excessive taxes, and they are sold cheaply. You can look at those branded physical stores. Opening the door every day is all kinds of water and electricity costs, which are expensive for a reason. After all, wool comes from sheep. Roadside stalls are hard-earned money except a few dollars in taxes. Selling more and selling less depends on personal wishes. For example, I was operating in the morning market at that time, and my principle was only one. As long as I didn't lose money, my business was not good, I bought less goods and had a single variety, I asked to get rid of them as soon as possible. In the end, even if the goods were dumped, they made hundreds of dollars.
You get what you pay for, and the goods at the roadside stalls are cheap, either defective or second-hand goods bought in pounds without trademarks. Therefore, cheap is cheap, and people who buy things know it well. Therefore, this is a kind of willingness to buy, a kind of willingness to sell, each takes what he needs, and making money is naturally profitable. Otherwise, what does it cost to stand outside day after day?