Qizhizhi data shows that Guangzhou Hongxun Trademark Office Co., Ltd. was established on January 21, 2008. The legal representative is Chen Jinsheng, with a registered capital of 30,000 yuan, and it is a small and micro enterprise.
Business status: In operation
Unified social credit code: 91440101671808959X
Registered address: Room 908, Donghuan Building, No. 474 Huanshi East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou Self-edited Part 2
Enterprise (institution) type: Limited liability company (natural person investment or holding)
Business scope: industrial engineering design services; industrial design services; professional design services; trade Brokerage; corporate management consulting; corporate management; legal consulting (excluding law firm business); information technology consulting services; business agency services; ticket agency services; real estate registration agency services; market entity registration agency; financial consulting; copyright agency ;Intellectual property services (except patent agency services);Trademark agency;Residential interior decoration;Import and export agency;Securities and financial advisory services;Patent agency
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