A trademark is a trademark used by producers and operators of goods on the goods they produce, manufacture, process, classify or distribute, or on the services provided by service providers. Sources used to distinguish goods or services, including words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional logos, color combinations and sounds, and combinations of the foregoing. It is a distinctive symbol and a product of modern economy.
Inquiry before trademark registration usually refers to the prior trademark rights of the trademark registration applicant before applying for trademark registration. To find out whether there are any prior trademark rights that may conflict with the registered trademark.
Operation method
01 Preparation materials
Prepare 10 trademark patterns (color trademarks of designated colors, 10 color patterns, 1 black and white ink draft), The length and width shall not exceed 10 cm and shall not be less than 5 cm. If the direction of the trademark pattern is unclear, use arrows to indicate the top and bottom; if you apply as an individual, you need to show your ID card and submit a copy plus a copy of your business license, and the business scope is consistent with the registered trademark; if you apply as an enterprise, you need to show a copy of your business license and submit a copy; a trademark registration application stamped with the company's official seal.
02 Trademark inquiry.
Post-application inquiry refers to the expiration of two years from the date of submission of registration application by the trademark applicant or his agent, or the expiry of six months from the date of submission of change, renewal, transfer or supplementary application. Inquiries about trademark processing when no information has been obtained. Applicants or agents can log in to the China Trademark Network and click on the "Trademark Query" column to query, or they can send someone or write to the Trademark Office for free query.
03 Preparation of application form.
To apply for a trademark registration certificate, the following documents should be submitted:
1. Provide one copy of the registered trademark registration certificate for each application and submit one copy of the application form for the trademark registration certificate;
2. If you go directly to the trademark registration hall, submit a copy of the applicant’s qualification certificate (business license, ID card, etc.) with a seal or signature, a copy of the trademark registration certificate, and a copy of the person in charge’s ID card (The original will be returned after comparison); if a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, a trademark agency power of attorney should be submitted.
Note: When applying for an international registration certificate, "G" should be added before the international registration number and the application category should be indicated.
Special Tips
If you have any questions about trademark registration or other intellectual property rights.