1. How long is the deadline for trademark renewal? Registered trademark renewal means that the owner of a registered trademark shall go through certain procedures in accordance with the law to extend his or her registered trademark within a period of one year after the expiration of the trademark registration. Validity system. According to the Trademark Law revised in 2013, Article 40: If a registered trademark expires and needs to be continued to be used, the trademark registrant shall go through the renewal procedures in accordance with the regulations within twelve months before the expiration; if it fails to do so during this period, A six-month grace period may be granted. Each renewal of registration is valid for ten years, starting from the day after the expiry of the previous term of validity of the trademark. If renewal procedures are not completed upon expiration, the registered trademark will be cancelled. 2. How to apply for trademark renewal? (1) There are two ways to apply for renewal of a registered trademark: 1. Entrust a trademark agency registered with the Trademark Office to handle it. 2. The applicant goes directly to the trademark registration hall of the Trademark Office to apply. There is only one file format for renewal, which is the "Application for Trademark Registration Renewal". (2) Three steps for application 1. Preparation of application documents The application documents that should be submitted are: (1) "Application for Trademark Renewal Registration" (2) Applicant's identity document (copy) (3) If you entrust an agent, submit the "Agent of Attorney", and if you apply directly at the acceptance hall, submit a copy of the person's ID card (4) A copy of the registration certificate (5) If the application document is in a foreign language, it should also be signed and confirmed by a translation agency Chinese translation 2. Submit application documents (1) The applicant goes directly to the trademark registration hall to apply. After the application documents are ready, submit them at the acceptance window of the trademark registration hall. The staff at the window will confirm whether the application documents are qualified. (2) If a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the application, the trademark agency will deliver the application documents to the Trademark Office. 3. Pay the renewal fee. A renewal registration application requires a fee of 2,000 yuan. If the registration renewal application is submitted within the six-month extension period after the expiry of the registration period, a delay fee of RMB 500 is required. If a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the application, the applicant shall pay the renewal fees and agency fees to the trademark agency. The renewal fees collected by the Trademark Office will be deducted from the advance payment of the trademark agency. It can be seen that it is best to apply for renewal within one year after the expiration of the trademark. The validity period of a registered trademark under my country’s Trademark Law is 10 years. Moreover, although trademark renewal is simpler than trademark registration, the entire process also takes 1 to 3 months. Therefore, the corresponding procedures need to be prepared in advance, and the renewal of the trademark can also be entrusted to an agency.