"China Trademark Network" is the only website for online query of trademark registration information hosted by the Trademark Office of the State Intellectual Property Office. Online trademark query is available to the public free of charge.
However, through the "China Trademark Network" Similar searches on "Trademark Network" can only get a simple search result. The range of similar trademarks listed is too wide, making it difficult for trademark applicants to accurately judge the chances of success in applying for registration of the searched trademark. Professional agents are also required to conduct search results. Further screening and analysis.
When searching for graphic trademarks, trademark applicants must search based on the graphic elements of the trademark, and the classification of graphic elements directly affects the results of the query, but it is often difficult for trademark applicants to grasp it. , you also need the assistance of a professional agent.
You can also check through the Mozhilun website. Mozhilun determines the similarity of trademarks in multiple dimensions, including: changing the text order, changing individual words or subtitles, and trademarks. Contains Chinese characters and their corresponding pinyin, which are similar to the same pinyin trademark alone, similar in significant parts, different in individual modifications but basically the same meaning, same elements but different designs, similar pronunciation and similar glyphs or overall appearance, similar appearance, similar meaning, similar overlap, etc. "