Balance bikes are a common type of transportation tool in our daily lives. Many people use them, especially young people. However, with the popularity of balance bikes, the number of users is getting larger and larger. Well, some time ago, someone filmed a scene of an aunt going to farm on a balance bike and uploaded it to a foreign website. Many foreigners were furious, thinking that China's economic level had risen to a very high level. position, but only as a Chinese can you feel how high the country's production level is now. Okay, let’s get back to the business. Nowadays, the popularity of balancing scooters in various countries is very common. So if you want to engage in this industry, what are the things to pay attention to when buying a balancing scooter trademark?
Things to note when transferring the trademark of a balancing car are as follows:
1. If the trademark is under review by the Trademark Office, the transfer may fail at any time. , the trademark has been rejected, then the valuable investment of manpower and material resources will be in vain, which is very uneconomical;
2. During the transaction of the trademark, if the trademark is similar to the trademark , the original holder of the trademark needs to transfer it together;
3. The ownership of the trademark has been transferred to the transferee of the trademark from the time the Trademark Office issues an announcement. ;
4. If the trademark is transferred through a document, the signatures on all documents need to be consistent during the transfer process.
When the self-balancing scooter first appeared, no one would have expected that it would have such good development prospects. Now the sales volume and market of this product will be wider, and people engaged in this industry will have a good future. development prospects.