Forklift officials must be careful when expelling the master's body and read the drug instructions carefully. The medicine must be dropped on the back of the cat's neck, between the shoulder blades on the back of the cat.
We scrape the hair on the back of the cat's neck with our hands. When the cat's skin is exposed, we can use our fingers to hold the hair in front and drop medicine. During the dripping process, never let go of your hand holding the hair!
Do not let go of the cat immediately after applying the medicine. Please observe quietly, wait for the drug to penetrate into the cat's sebaceous glands, and then groom the cat's hair to help them move freely. Or put an Elizabethan ring on your cat because you're worried about a forklift.
The forklift was also operated incorrectly and the cat licked the deworming medicine. If the scene at the beginning of the article appears, don’t look down on mung bean water, sugar water? Home remedies?, take the cat to the hospital to see a doctor quickly, and tell me the repellent you use. What brand of insecticide is it?
Actually, after we take the cats home, we regularly remove the bugs inside and outside the cats for their health, but there are always many forklift officials who have many questions about getting rid of the bugs. For example, how many bugs can a cat kill?
How long does it take to get rid of bugs?
What are the best deworming drugs? So today I know how to get rid of insects at once~
First of all, before talking about getting rid of insects, we must know which parasites will affect the cat’s body or be harmful.
There are the following types of parasites outside cats.
Scabies mites, Demodex mites, fleas, lice, ear itch mites, etc.
Parasites in the body often include the following types.
Taenia, roundworm, hookworm, coccidia, trichomonas, giardia, heartworm, pyroworm, etc.
What harm do these parasites do?
Let’s first look at the dangers of external parasites
Scabies ticks:
Scabies usually occurs in the external auditory canal of cats. After a cat is infected with scabies, Symptoms such as severe itching, hair loss, and skin redness appear. When the symptoms gradually worsen, scabies opens pores on the surface of the cat's cuticle, and dense papules, dander, and erythema appear on the cat's skin surface, gradually forming thick scabs p>
Feline demodicosis generally occurs in the hairless areas of the cat's eyes, ears, lips, and inside of the front legs. There are 15 erythematous lesions with obvious surrounding borders.
The disease caused by this parasite is not itchy, but the animal is likely to die! In severe cases, the cat's body will experience large areas of hair loss, edema, erythema, sebum exudation, purulent dermatitis, itching of the diseased area, and sometimes external lymph node lesions.
Ear itch mites:
Ear itch mites usually live in the ear skin of cats and cause parasitic diseases. Sick cats are very irritable, often shake their heads and itch, causing ear inflammation, causing Hematoma and allergic reaction. Thick brown-black scabs can be seen in the cat's external auditory canal.
Fleas should be very common external parasites. Fleas bite, suck blood, secrete toxins, affect blood coagulation, cause cats to itch, and hinder normal life and rest. They are harmful to cats. It brings about a state of anxiety, which will also affect the cat's health over time.
Lice are also one of the more common skin parasites, causing skin inflammation and itching in cats.
Secondly, let’s talk about the harm of internal parasites to cats.
This parasite is very common. Cats will become thinner after infection, but their waist circumference will become significantly larger, and they will experience symptoms such as developmental delay and vomiting. In severe cases breathing may sometimes become difficult, but kittens can die from malnutrition if infected!
Cats are susceptible to tapeworms, and infected cats will find shed proglottids in their feces. Usually yellow and white are about the size of sesame seeds. After cats are infected with tapeworms, their appetite decreases, constipation and diarrhea occur alternately, and their weight also decreases significantly.
This is a common parasite in cats. The main symptoms after infection include digestive disorders, anemia, malnutrition, etc.
Cough, weakness, weight loss, depression.
These are common symptoms of cats infected with heartworm. At the same time, cats are accompanied by symptoms such as shock, syncope, diarrhea, etc. If the condition worsens, cats sometimes die from the infection!
The main symptoms of cats infected with Trichomonas are diarrhea, blood or mucus at the end of the stool, loss of appetite, vomiting, weight loss, etc. Under normal circumstances, when these situations occur, it is initially judged that the cat is infected with trichomonas, but the possibility of feline infectious disease is not ruled out, so Forklift recommends taking the cat to the pet hospital for examination immediately!
In fact, the reaction to infection with Giardia is somewhat different from infection with other parasites. The cat's mental state and diet are good, but he is not fat. Occasionally, the stomach gets damaged and becomes thinner again after taking medicine for a few days.
The mental state of cats in the early stage of infection does not change much, and there are also cases of fatigue and slightly reduced appetite, so they are easily ignored by forklifts! In the acute stage, the cat has a fever of over 40, has no appetite, lacks energy, is thin, has unstable walking and is prone to falling, and also has symptoms of anemia, pale optic mucosa, and sudden collapse!
How to deworm cats?
What kind of insect repellent should I use?
Now that we recognize the threat of parasites to cat health, we must use anthelmintic drugs to overcome it!
Therefore, Da Meow also recommends the following insecticides for forklift officials, statement.
This recommendation is not any commercial behavior, but the medicine used by Big Meow himself or the forklift partners around him!
External repellent medicine for cats
Front Focus is an effective medicine for preventing flea and tick infections and can be used on cats in almost 8 weeks!
Frontline Plus for cats can prevent and treat fleas, lice, Demodex, ear itch mites, etc. Frontline's spray can also be used on kittens who are two months younger than the drops. In other words, cats can be used when they are more than two days old! ?
Advocate, also known as Bayer's external anthelmintic, can be used to treat fleas, ear mites, Demodex mites, scabies, lice, immature and mature stage roundworms, hookworms, and adult whipworms , lungworm. Cats as young as nine months old can use this medicine. Walker comes in two packages. Designed for cats of different weights. One is for cats under 4kg. The other one is for cats over 4kg.
Revolution is mainly used for the treatment and prevention of ear mites, heartworms and fleas. It can be used on cats from at least 8 weeks old. The drug is available in three specifications for exterminating cat bugs. 2.5kg for cats over 2 months old. For cats weighing 2.6~7.5kg and over 2 months old. For use on cats over 6.8kg and over two months old. The forklift can be selected according to the weight of the owner.
Tell me how to use it again!
How to use external expelling drops:
This method is just as I said just now, and the big cats and shit officials are reviewing it. First, pluck the hair between the shoulder blades on the back of the cat's neck with your hands to expose the skin, and apply drops on the cat's skin. At this time, please be careful not to let go immediately, let the liquid slowly penetrate into the cat's skin, and then trim the cat's hair. The drops must not be allowed to drip freely to other places. Be sure to drop it on the back of your neck between your shoulder blades!
Be careful! The location of the drug does not require manual massage by the forklift operator, nor should the drug be sprinkled on the injured skin. Do not bathe the cat within 72 hours after use!
How to use the external repellent spray:
The method of using the spray is relatively simple and crude. You need to grab the back of the cat’s neck and wet the whole body, including the face and tail. Many cats are afraid of being sprayed on their face. You can spray the medicine on a soft cloth or paper towel and then wipe the cat's face.
For internal anthelmintic drugs, Da Meow only recommends a Bayer internal anthelmintic drug for cats. This medicine can eliminate more than 8 types of tapeworms, roundworms, worms and intestinal parasites at any stage. You can usually fast for 4 hours before taking Bayer's antidote, and continue eating 1 hour after taking the medicine. Forklift officials must strictly follow the drug instructions.
In order to ensure the effectiveness of the drug, try not to eliminate the bugs when vaccinating cats. Allow at least a week between eradication of the bugs and vaccination!
Of course, taking insect repellent will also have some side effects!
Each cat’s constitution is different. Some cats have very good gastrointestinal function and have no reaction to the anthelmintic drugs they take, but some cats have very weak gastrointestinal function and experience mild vomiting, diarrhea, and poor appetite after taking the anthelmintic drug. In fact, this is a common phenomenon. Don't rush the forklift. It usually improves after 1 to 2 days. A forklift can provide a good view of your cat's condition. If there is no improvement for a long time, or if there is a cat that reacts strongly, I will send it for treatment as soon as possible.
So, how often should you deworm your cat?
If it is a milk cat, just take deworming medicine once when it is 6 weeks old and 12 weeks old!
Cats over 6 months old can be dewormed every 3 to 6 months.
If cats are only raised indoors, do not eat food such as raw meat and eggs, and only focus on cat food, the bugs can be eliminated once every 6 to 12 months!