The ownership of a U.S. trademark belongs to the entity that first uses the trademark in commercial activities, that is, the entity that first marks the trademark on products or uses it for goods transactions or services owns the ownership of the trademark.
After the first use, once the entity decides to continue to use the trademark, the entity using the first time can try to prevent other entities from using the trademark and similar logos with the trademark on the same products or services.
After applying to register a trademark with the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office in the form of Intended Use (ITU), the applicant can ensure the applicant's ownership of the first-time use of the trademark.
If the applicant does use the trademark within the deadline (which ranges from 6 months to 3 years depending on the reason for applying for ITU, whether the applicant requests an extension, whether to pay an extension fee, etc.), then the trademark The date of first use is equal to the date of submission of the application. And, formal registration of the trademark will be obtained.
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