Human intelligence reaches its peak at the age of 22, and only five years later, at the age of 27, people start to become stupid.
The so-called intelligence reflects the speed of the brain's understanding, evaluation and response to external stimuli. The faster the reaction speed, the higher the intelligence. The neurons in the brain determine a person's reaction speed. In order for neurons to fire rapidly, release chemical transmitters, and grow or eliminate synapses, they all need to maintain a good physiological state. If the brain is injured, sick, deprived of oxygen, aged, or underdeveloped, it will affect the neurons in the brain, and intelligence will decline accordingly. However, the decline in intelligence does not necessarily start at the age of 22. Some people's IQs will increase after the age of 30.
As early as 1969, psychologist Green tested individual IQ and proposed that intelligence will only reach its peak at the age of 40, and will not decline rapidly thereafter. Research in our country shows that most people’s intelligence begins to decline after the age of 35. There are still a small number of people who live to old age and still have a sharp mind and quick reactions.
Research findings:
A study on lifespan started in 1956 by the Seattle Longitudinal Research Institute is one of the longest, largest and most authoritative studies in history. one. It investigated the intelligence of 6,000 people over 40 years.
Research has found that people aged 40 to 60 perform best in the most complex and important cognitive abilities, even exceeding their ability when they were 20 years old. Between the ages of 40 and 65, they perform best in vocabulary, verbal memory, spatial awareness, and inductive reasoning. The best age for men is in their 50s and close to 60, and for women is in their 60s.
Reference for the above content: China Finance Network - Research says that the brain’s reaction speed determines the rise and fall of IQ, and intelligence declines after the age of 35