Use a unique name: Choose a unique and uncommon name to avoid having the same name as other video numbers.
Add personal identification: add personal identification, such as initials, nicknames or specific symbols, to make the name easier to identify.
Use unique words: use unique words or phrases to make them the logo of video numbers.
Add descriptive words: Add descriptive words to the name to make it easier for the audience to understand the theme or content of the video content.
Avoid using popular words: avoid using popular words or phrases to reduce the possibility of having the same name as a large number of other video numbers.
Search before registration: Before determining the name, search the Internet and social media platforms to ensure that the name is not used by others.
Avoid trademark and copyright issues: ensure that the selected name does not involve any trademark and copyright issues, so as not to cause legal disputes.
Related to brand or theme: Make sure the name is related to your own brand or theme to enhance recognition and audience awareness.