The booming development of the Internet has made it a medium for trademark development. The rise of e-commerce has linked the Chinese economy to the global economy, but it has also given many criminals a layer of protection. Is it reliable to buy trademarks by phone in Xuzhou, Jiangsu?
The ubiquity of e-commerce makes it easier for people to identify telemarketing, but there are still many unpredictability in purchasing trademarks over the phone. The official trademark agent is registered with the Trademark Office. If you call, you just have the trademark. If required, you can verify the information through the official website or call the Trademark Office.
What needs to be noted when purchasing a trademark is that when selling a registered trademark, the trademark holder should refrain from selling the same or similar trademark registered on the same or similar goods to prevent other adverse effects. If the sales application needs to be corrected, the Trademark Office shall issue a correction notice to the transferee. If the required corrections are not made within the specified time, the Trademark Office has the right to treat the sales application as abandoned or disapprove. If the sales application is processed directly after approval, the Trademark Office will fill in the address according to the application and mail it to the transferee. If the transfer application is deemed to be abandoned or disapproved, the Trademark Office shall issue a "Notice of Abandonment" or a "Notice of Disapproval". If it is handled directly, it will be mailed to the transferee according to the address filled in the application. If there are multiple transferees in the transfer application, the relevant notice or confirmation from the Trademark Office will only be issued to the representative. If anyone else needs proof, they should apply for a reissue. The application category should be filled in according to the international classification approved by the "Trademark Registration Certificate".
Although entrusting a trademark agency to purchase trademarks can save a lot of trouble, we should also pay attention to everything when purchasing trademarks.