trademark label
The trademark logo of genuine Wrigley toilet is "ARROW", while fake and shoddy products will cheat in this respect and change a few letters to confuse consumers. Therefore, when buying, you must carefully check the trademark logo to ensure that you are buying a genuine Wrigley toilet.
Trademark position
Wrigley's original trademark is printed in the middle of the water tank of the toilet ceramic body, not on the water tank cover. Therefore, if you see the toilet with Wrigley trademark printed on the water tank cover, it must be a fake.
Appearance and color
The glaze of Wrigley toilet is very smooth and delicate, and the color is bright and clear. The fake Wrigley toilet may be dark in color and the inner wall may not be thick enough. So we can distinguish the authenticity by observing the appearance and color of the toilet when choosing.
Confirmation of origin
The origin of Wrigley toilet is Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, and most of the imitations on the market are from Chaozhou, Guangdong Province. If the Wrigley toilet purchased is shipped from Chaozhou, it can be basically confirmed to be counterfeit.
Low price trap
The prices of Wrigley toilets sold online are basically based on "Wrigley Sanitary Ware Official Flagship Store", even if the promotion is not lower than that in 800 yuan. Therefore, if you encounter an ultra-low-priced Wrigley toilet, you must be vigilant, which is likely to be a fake.