Ingredients: One leg of lamb
Seasonings: chili powder, pepper powder, black pepper powder, cumin powder, cumin granules, cooking wine, Salt, flour, and one egg
1. Clean the lamb leg and make a few cuts in the thick part of the meat until all the cuts reach the bone. Then rub it with cooking wine.
2. Mix chili powder, Sichuan pepper powder, black pepper powder, and cumin powder together, rub it evenly on the lamb leg, and marinate for 20 minutes.
3. Mix a batter with flour and eggs, and spread the egg batter evenly on the lamb legs.
4. Cover a baking sheet with tin foil, brush oil on the tin foil, put in the leg of lamb, bake in the oven at 220 degrees for 25 minutes, flip over, bake for another 25 minutes, take out and sprinkle cumin particles, and bake again For about 5 minutes, wait until the aroma of the cumin particles overflows, take it out and serve.