1. Positive answer
The protection period of trademark rights is ten years, starting from the date when the Trademark Office approves the registration. However, the law allows trademark owners to renew. The trademark registrant can apply to the Trademark Office for renewal within twelve months before expiration. After the renewal, the trademark registrant can continue to enjoy the exclusive right to use the trademark.
2. Analysis
Trademark right is the abbreviation of trademark exclusive right, which refers to the exclusive right that the trademark user enjoys in accordance with the law on the trademark used. It is the right of a trademark registrant to control its registered trademark in accordance with the law and prohibit others from infringing upon it, including the trademark registrant’s exclusive right to use its registered trademark, the right to income, the right to dispose of, the right to renew, and the right to prohibit others from infringing. Trademark right is an intangible asset with economic value and can be used to pay off debts, that is, transferred according to law. According to the provisions of my country's Trademark Law, trademarks can be transferred. When transferring a registered trademark, the transferor and the transferee should sign a transfer agreement and file an application with the Trademark Office at the same time. When transferring trademark rights, a trademark evaluation agency should be entrusted to conduct a trademark evaluation in accordance with the requirements of the "Several Provisions on Enterprise Trademark Management", and debt compensation matters should be handled according to the evaluated value, and the trademark transfer procedures must be applied to the Trademark Office in a timely manner.
3. Characteristics of trademark rights
Exclusivity, also known as exclusivity or monopoly, means that the trademark registrant has the exclusive right to use its registered trademark. The basic purpose of granting the owner of a registered trademark the exclusive right to use is to establish a fixed connection between a specific trademark and specific goods through registration, thereby ensuring that consumers can avoid confusion and receive accurate information about the source of the goods. In other words, any unauthorized use in commerce will constitute an infringement of trademark exclusive rights.