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Dior bags bought in big shopping malls for 26 thousand yuan are not used by second-hand merchants. How to distinguish true and false luxury goods?

Recently, Ms. Wang, a citizen of Chengdu, Sichuan, encountered such an annoyance. She said that the backpack she bought in a big shopping mall cost 1, yuan was told by a second-hand merchant that it was fake, which made her puzzled.

luxury goods are an improvement in the quality of life, and they have almost become a necessity for high-income people. Some women like to follow the trend and have a soft spot for brand-name bags, just like many men like to buy luxury cars. Anita Yuen, a famous artist, is a well-known bag-buying maniac. If she is unhappy, she will buy a bag if she is happy. It can be seen that a bag is a necessity for some women to adjust their lives. But after all, brand-name bags are expensive, and there are many high imitation goods on the market. If you pay a high price and buy fake and shoddy bags, you will definitely be heartbroken. Recently, a woman named Ms. Wang in Chengdu, Sichuan bought a brand-name bag at the counter of a shopping mall. Two years later, she wanted to change hands but was told by a second-hand merchant that the bag was a fake.

With the increasing demand for luxury goods, there are more and more counterfeit goods on the market. If you don't know how to distinguish the true from the false, it's easy to buy fakes. First, check the material details of luxury goods. The metal fittings of luxury goods have specific marks and textures, and the opening and locking are relatively smooth. Fake and shoddy general metal parts feel light and the zipper will get stuck. Second, the leather of luxury goods has a natural fragrance, and the fake bag will have a strong glue smell. 3. Every luxury item has its own birth certificate, that is, code, which consists of two English letters and four Arabic numerals. Fake bags generally have no code. Fourth, the original packaging of luxury goods is complete, and imitations are difficult to copy. 5. A description of the product name, place of origin and model will be written in English in the luxury bag. Authentic printing is shallow, even and neat, while fake printing is deep and the handwriting is very clear.

Due to the huge profits in the counterfeit luxury goods market, the imitation technology is constantly upgrading. We only rely on the standard of identifying true and false luxury goods to judge, and there may be omissions. Therefore, once you find that the goods you buy may be fake, you should immediately take up legal weapons to safeguard your rights and interests.