Label adhesive is also called trademark adhesive, and most of the label adhesives are pressure-sensitive adhesives. The ingredients in pressure sensitive adhesives belong to organic polymer compounds in the chemical field, and their viscosity is relatively high. According to the principle of chemical isomorphism and compatibility of polymers, all organic solvents can dissolve the above polymer compounds, such as liquor, essential balm, alcohol, gasoline, or nail polish diluent, and other organic solvents, such as face cream, facial cleanser, detergent and hand cream, have the same effect.
Because jade is precious, you should be careful when cleaning it. Try not to use organic solvents with strong irritation, such as gasoline and alcohol. If the conditions are ready, use professional adhesive remover or adhesive cleaner to clean it. Secondly, apply a little cooking oil to the label on jade, tear it off as soon as it is soaked, and then use a clean cloth to dip some detergent and wipe off oil stains, or use paint thinner and toothpaste to coat it.