# include & ltstdio.h & gt
Unsigned int veax
Unsigned int vebx
Unsigned int vedx
Unsigned int vecx
//Execute the CPUID instruction
Void cpuid (unsigned integer veax 1)
mov eax,veax 1
mov veax,eax
mov vebx,ebx
mov vecx,ecx
mov vedx,edx
//Shift the ASCII code in the register and output it as a character.
Void LeftMove (unsigned integer variable)
printf("%c ",var);
for(int I = 0; I<3; i++)
var =(var & gt; & gt;
printf("%c ",var);
//Shift and output the value in the register as "%d".
Void LM (unsigned integer variable)
printf("%d ",var);
for(int I = 0; I<3; i++)
var =(var & gt; & gt;
printf("%d ",var);
//Get CPU vendors (when EAX value is 0) and store them in EBX, EDX and ECX in turn.
void getCpuName()
left move(vebx);
left move(vedx);
left move(vecx);
//Get the trademark of CPU. When the values in EAX are 0x80000003 and 0x80000004, respectively, 16 characters are returned to form a trademark.
//Store in EAX, EBX, ECX and EDX in turn.
void getCpuBrand()
for(int j = 0; j & lt2; j++)
cpuid(0x 80000003+j);
left move(veax);
left move(vebx);
left move(vecx);
left move(vedx);
//Get the characteristics of CPU, the parameter is eax = 1, and the return value is put in edx and ecx. After verifying a bit edx or ecx,
//You can get whether a certain feature of the CPU is supported. For example, the 32nd bit of edx indicates whether MMX is supported.
//The 28th bit of //edx indicates whether Hyper-Threading is supported, and the 7th bit of ecx indicates whether speed sted is supported.
void getCpuFeature()
{//Because there are too many functions, you can't write one by one. Write it out when necessary. The method is the same.
//It takes two steps to get the serial number of the CPU. First, eax = 1 as a parameter, the returned eax stores the upper two words of the serial number.
//Take eax = 3 as the parameter, return ecx and edx, and store the first four words from low to high.
void getCpuSeris()
cpuid( 1);
void main()