People's Education Edition English Senior High School Vocabulary List
beard n. (the beard on the chin); beard
cheetah n .cheetah
sailfish n. sailfish; shark
voyager n. voyager; voyager; astronaut
tight adj. tight; difficult to solve Open; tight
tightrope n. Tight rope or wire
gorge n. Canyon
edition n. Edition; edition
moustache n. mustache; mustache; mustache
Urumqi n. Urumqi
brewery n. brewery
conclude vt. end to say when; to believe (after reasoning); to reach the end of vi
hire vt. to hire; to rent
send in to send somewhere for processing
set down to record down; write down
feat n. skill; achievement; great deeds
length n. length; length
hectare n. hectare
athletic adj. Athletic (athlete); physically strong
Lance Armstrong Lance Armstrong
fade vi. Wither; fade; (sound, etc.) weaken; (optical fiber, etc.) darken vt. fade
in a row one after another; continuously
in the first place (used to list reasons, etc.) first; first; originally< /p>
account n. Narrative; account; account
attempt vt. attempt; effort n. attempt; attempt
suitable adj. suitable; appropriate
apply for application; request
inspect vt. inspection; inspection; inspection
confirm vt. confirm; confirm
certificate n. ) book
gradual adj. gradually; gradient
blank n. empty; gap adj. blank; empty
enthusiastic adj. enthusiastic ; Enthusiastic
bid n. bid; bid vt.& vi. (bid, bid) (at auction) shout (price); bid
decade n. ten years
p>committee n. committee
fascinate vt. to charm; to be fascinated
Juan Antonio Samaranch Juan Antonio Samaranch
burst vt. (burst, burst) explosion; blast
burst into sth suddenly and violently emit or produce something
underline vt. underline; emphasize< /p>
globe n. Earth; globe; sphere
bush n. Bush; [the~] wilderness (especially undeveloped places in the forest areas of Africa, Australia and Canada)
spaceman n. astronaut; astronaut
ramp n. slope curve
skilful adj. skilled; skilled
skateboard n .& vi.skateboard
skateboarder n. skateboarder
administration n.
management; administration (organ); operation
permission n. permission; consent
schoolmate n. classmate; alumni
grandparent n. (maternal) grandparent
recently adv. not long ago; recently
familiar adj. familiar; common
capture vt. attract (attention, etc.); capture; occupy
centre on/upon treat someone (something) as the center or focus
factor n. factor; element
concentrate vi. concentrate; concentrate vt. concentrate; gather; concentrate
concentrate on concentrate on
helmet n. helmet; safety helmet
teenage adj. teenager's
truly adv. Uprightly; truly; sincerely
delight vt. give (someone) fun; make happy n. happy; happy
delighted adj. very happy; pleasant
energetic adj. energetic; full of vitality
cautious adj. careful; cautious
outgoing adj. extroverted; straightforward
< p>register vt.& vi. Register; register; recordskim vt. Skim; browse
Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus (Spanish voyage home)
evaluate vt. evaluate; estimate
various adj. various; different kinds
in the name of in the name of... ; represents
key adj. extremely important; critical
origin n. starting point; source; origin
equip vt. equipment; equipment
endeavour n.& vt.& vi. effort; try your best
puzzle n. problem; riddle vt. to confuse; to confuse
Marco Polo Marco Polo
wealthy adj. rich; possessing property
Asian adj. Asian, Asian n. Asian
in exchange for exchange; exchange
spice n.Spice
Ceylon n. Ceylon (the old name of Sri Lanka)
Arab n. Arab adj. Arab; Arab
westernmost adj. The most western
African n. African adj. African; African; African language
ambassador n. Ambassador; envoy
p>Roman adj. Roman n. Romans
empire n. Empire
rhinoceros n. Rhinoceros
horn n. Horn; horn< /p>
wander vi. Wandering; wandering; wandering
motherland n. motherland
Shanga n. Shanga (place name)
awareness n. Awareness; consciousness
existence n. existence; survival
barrier n. obstacle; barrier
the Great Barrier Reef Great Barrier Reef
logical adj. logical; reasonable
wombat n. hairy-nosed wombat
pointed adj. pointed; straightforward
claw vt.& vi. scratch; scratch; scrape n. claw; clawed foot; pincer; pincer
bairy adj. hairy; (like) hair
medium adj. medium
bushy adj. dense bush; bushy
procedure n. step; procedure; procedure
tulip n. tulip
rose n. rose (flower); rose (flower)
peony n. peony; peony
strawberry n. strawberry
lemon n. lemon; lemon tree
bunch n. bunch; bunch; group
Carl Linnaeus Carl Linnaeus (Swedish botanist)
merely adv. only; only; however
herb n. herb; herb; herbal plant
classify vt. arrangement; classification
identification n. Verification; identification
male adj. Male (sexual); male; male n. man; male animals and plants
Daniel Solander Daniel Solander (Sweden Botanist)
Promote vt. Promotion; promotion; promotion
Joseph Banks Joseph Banks (British explorer and naturalist)
botanical adj. botanical
privilege n. privilege; special treatment
cosy adj. comfortable
appetite n. desire; appetite; appetite
wealth n. property; wealth
Oceania n. Oceania
appoint vt. appointment; agreement (time, place), etc.
Tahiti n. tower Hitti Island (located in the South Pacific)
Venus n. Venus; Venus (the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology)
calculate vt. Calculation; calculation
< p>astronomy n. Astronomyexpense n. cost; price
look out for vigilance; pay attention
on a large scale on a large scale; on a large scale
cocoa n. Cocoa tree; cocoa powder
hemp n. Hemp; fiber
involve vt. include; involve; involve;
enterprise n. (difficult and complex) undertaking; enterprise (or institution) unit
settlement n. to develop; to live in fact; to solve
Kew n. The location of the Royal Botanic Gardens
p>accumulate vt. Accumulate; gather vi. Increase
abandon vt. Leave; abandon
straw n. Wheat straw; straw; beverage straw
pinepple n. pineapple; pineapple
year after year every year
classification n. classification (method); category
pass away; pass away
Oxford n. Oxford (a city in the United Kingdom, where Oxford University is located)
tone n. Chroma; hue; tone; tone
ward n. repay; reward vt. give reward; reward
name…arter name...; name
technician n. technician; technician
Charles Darwin Charles; Darwin (British naturalist)
beagle n. (British breed) beagle
Galapagos n. Galapagos (Islands)
nowhere adv. Nowhere n. Nowhere; unknown place
altogether adv. In short; completely; total***
finch n. Finch Songbird
beak n. beak; beak; beak-like bill
Gregor Mendel Gregor Mendel (Austrian geneticist)
Gote Turesson Jot Dürsson (Swedish botanist)
Appearance n. Appearance; appearance; appearance
Output n. Yield; product; (literary) work; output
dandelion n. Dandelion
latter adj. (of the two) the latter
distinguish vi.& vt. difference; discrimination
in detail in detail
millimeter n. millimeter
convey vt. express; carry
advertise vi. advertise; advertise vt. Advertise for...; publicize; notify
advertiser n. Advertiser
brand n. Trademark; brand
Consideration n. Consideration; considerate
take…into consideration consider something
charge n. supervisor; charge (gas); price; charge
in charge (of) in control or Dominant position; responsible
loss n. loss; loss; loss
blame vt. blame; condemnation; blame n. blame; (fault, failure, etc.) responsibility
blame vt. p>
mislead vt. to misunderstand; to lead astray
misleading adj. to misunderstand; to deceive
broadcast vt. (broadcast, broadcast) (use radio or television) broadcast; disseminate vi. broadcast; participate in radio (television) programs
post vt. post (announcements, notices, etc.)
hand in hand; closely related
react vi. react; resist vt. (referring to matter) to cause a chemical reaction
annoy vt. annoy; annoy vi. make people annoying; annoy people
annoying adj. annoying; annoying
critic n. critic; critic
accuse vt. accuse; condemn
associate vt. cause to connect; to combine; to associate... vi. Communicate; unite
get across spread; be understood
appeal vi. Attractive; appeal; appeal n. Infectiousness; appeal; appeal
appeal to attractive; appeal; appeal
frequent adj. Frequent; frequent
figure n. Number; Price; chart; portrait
salesman n. salesman; loan salesperson
aleswoman n. female salesperson; female loan salesperson
profit n. (commonly used plural) profit; profit vt.& vi. beneficial (for); beneficial (for)
campaign n. Movement; campaign; battle vi. Participate in movement; campaign; combat
policy n. Policy; policy
spokesman n. Spokesperson
spokeswoman n. Spokeswoman
Tetsuya Komuro 小 Chamber Tetsuya
illegal adj. Illegal; illegal
keep an eye out for sb/sth pay attention or pay attention Someone or something
bait n. bait; bait
target n. target; target
bullet n. bullet; gun bullet
waitress n. waitress
hostess n. hostess; hostess
bridegroom n. groom
heroine n. heroine ; heroine
goddess n. goddess
promotion n. (commodities, etc.) publicity; promotion; promotion; promotion
attach vt. system; attachment; attachment ; think there is (importance, etc.)
legend n. legend; legend; legendary person or event
slogan n. slogan; slogan
catchy adj. attract human; deceiving people
point out; make people pay attention
discount n. discount vt. discount adj. discount
make sense; makes sense; makes sense
bonus n. unexpected benefit; additional allowance; bonus
context n. context; environment; background
perseverance n. perseverance; perseverance
quit vt. (quit, quit) give up; stop; leave
apply(…)to … use; apply
add up (two or more numbers or quantities) add up
circumstance n. return to circumstances; situation
lose heart discouragement; discouragement
assessment n. evaluation; assessment
take it easy, don’t be nervous; relax
keep up, maintain; maintain
Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe Russo
common sense common sense
survival n. survive; survive
biscuit n. biscuit; soft scone
alcohol n. Alcohol; alcoholic beverage; ethanol
goat n. Goat
flour n. Flour; powder ground from grains
axe n. Axe; ax
nail n. nail; toenail
razor n. razor; razor
bedding n. bedding
beyond prep. (or towards) the other side of…;far beyond;beyond adv.farther;further back
the Rocky Mountains
wagon n. (four-wheeled) car (usually ox-drawn); (railway) open car
leave behind forget to take; leave
ox n. (plural oxen) bull
Kansas n. Kansas (American state name)
frontier n. frontier ; border; national boundary
lose one's way lost
barren n. (referring to land) barren
salty adj. salty; salty
pond n. pond
patch n. small piece; small piece; patch
burden n. burden; responsibility
desperate adj. desperate; extremely serious
beast n. animal; beast; beast
accustomed adj. accustomed; usual
thirst n. thirst; desire
starvation n. starve; starve to death
anxiety n. worry; worry; anxiety
shallow adj. shallow
come to an end ; Termination
legendary adj. legendary; legendary
tax n. tax; tax amount
anniversary n anniversary (day).
< p>Anchorage n. Anchorage (U.S. port city)Nome n. Nome (U.S. city)
front-page adj. front page
< p>Curtis Welch Curtis Welchgranddaughter n. (granddaughter)
flu n. (ie, influenza) influenza
throat n. Throat; Throat; Throat
diphtheria n. Diphtheria
vaccine n. Vaccine; bacterium
catastrophe n. Catastrophe
Arctic adj. Arctic; arctic; severe cold
tough adj. hardworking; tough; difficult
wrap n.& vt. wrap; wrap
quilt n. bedding; quilt
tie up tie; tie; bundle
packet n. small package; small bag; small box
stake n. pile (old time) stake; stakes
at stake in danger
ray n. (light or other radiation) line; ray< /p>
bark n. (referring to dogs, etc.) barking; a sound like a barking dog
sculpture n. sculpture; carving
memorial n. memorial; monument; Memorial Hall; Commemorative Ceremony
retell vt. (retold, retold) retelling
go for... go for; strive to obtain
carol n. (Christmas) carol; song of joy
Charles Dichens Charles Dickens (British writer)
Jacob Marley Jacob Marley
Ebenezer Scrooge
Santa Claus n. Santa Claus
care for love; care
employee n. employee ; employee
hygiene n. hygiene (study)
fake adj. fake; forgery n. counterfeit; liar
bacteria n. (singular bacterium) Bacteria
powder n. powder; powder
standard n. (commonly used plural) level; standard; specification
conscience n. conscience; sense of right and wrong
Bob Cratchit Bob Cratchit
Fred Fred
shilling n. (as of 1971) shilling (British loan currency)
frost n. Frost; severe cold
handwriting n. handwriting; handwriting
humbug n. trick; lie; deception
overcoat n. coat ;Coat
wage n.wage; wages
anyway adv. no matter what; even so
god n.god; idol; (G-) God< /p>
leave alone regardless; go with...
admit vt. admit; allow... to enter (or use) vi. allow; admit
foolish adj. stupid silly; ridiculous
clap vi. clap; tap vt. beat; hit; applaud for...
partner n. partner; partner
< p>festive adj. Feast; festival; joyfulabundant adj. Rich; abundant
in want of need
warmth n. warm; warm
idle adj. idle; idle
taxpayer n. taxpayer
badly off down and out; poverty
occupy vt. To make busy; to engage; to possess welfare n. welfare
striking adj. attention-grabbing; attractive
clerk n. clerk; clerk; clerk
have an eye for discernment ; Discerning
composer n. Creator (especially music)
novelist n. Novelist
firm n. Company; firm
as follows is used to list things
shadow n. shadow; shadow
idol n. idol; idol
ambition n. ambition; ambition; ambition
noble adj. noble; noble
aspiration n. desire; ambition; ambition
bond n. contract; bond
of late recently; recently
indeed adv. indeed; really
goose n. goose; goose meat
pudding n. pudding; dessert
selfish adj. selfish; inconsiderate of others
bishop n.bishop
n. Choir; choir
karaoke n. Karaoke
motivation n. motivation; enthusiasm
memorise vt. remember; memory
dictation n. dictation; dictation; command
correction n. correction; modification
phonetic adj. phonetic (learning)
alphabet n. alphabet
stick vt. (stuck, stuck) to stop; to block; to stab; to stick out; to stick
make progress forward; progress
effective adj. effective
acquire vt. learn (knowledge, etc.); obtain
acquisition n. obtain; get
make sense of Understand the meaning of...
in other words; in other words; in other words
awful adj. huge; terrible; extremely annoying
instruct vt .teach; guide; instruct
efficient adj. efficient; capable
data n. data; information
academic adj. school; college academic n. college student; university teacher; academic person
comprehension n. understanding (power); (anxiety)
anxious adj. worried; worrying< /p>
secure adj. Guaranteed; reassuring; safe
take a risk
experiment with; conduct an experiment
translator n. translator (especially written translation)
interpreter n. translator; interpreter
everyday adj. daily; daily (happening)
patience n. Patience; endurance
adopt vt. Adoption; acceptance; adoption
pile n. Pile; pile; stack
piles of a big push; A large group; a large group
easygoing adj. Moderate and tolerant; casual
PLA abbr. (the abbreviation of People's Liberation Army) (China) People's Liberation Army
tyre n. tires
overweight adj. overweight; obese
teens n. 13 to 19 years old; teenagers