It's almost impossible to concentrate on your work all the time, and most people occasionally get distracted at work. According to a survey, employees who use computers for office work spend about 10% of their working time browsing the web, sending and receiving emails or shopping every day. Some people call it "Internet wandering". Although doing other things at work will not bring benefits to the unit, wandering on the internet is not necessarily a waste of time.
Researchers at the University of South Florida and Montclair State University believe that surfing the Internet is a short break, which gives employees a chance to recover from intense work.
Benefits of abandonment
Focusing on mental work and study for a long time will reduce people's efficiency and make the effect worse. Sometimes, walking away to do something that seems to be "doing nothing" may make you more efficient.
Browse the web. Brent cocker, an expert on network behavior at the University of Melbourne in Australia, found that people who browse the web to relax during working hours are about 9% more efficient than those who don't surf the Internet. Ap Dixterhuis, a psychologist at Ladeburg University in the Netherlands, also found that people perform better after a short distraction before making complex decisions. It may be that things outside of work help to change thinking and solve problems creatively.