What kind of website trademark registration and what information do you need? Trademarks can be classified in different ways according to the projects they operate. Now websites should also register trademarks, so as to meet the relevant business regulations, so they need to be done according to specific requirements.
website trademark registration belongs to 42 categories: 422 computer programming and related services
computer rental 4283, computer rental 4283, computer programming 429, computer software design 42139, computer software update 4214, computer software upgrade 4214, computer hardware consultation 42141, computer software rental 42159, Computer data recovery 42175, computer data recovery 42175, computer software maintenance 42176, computer system analysis 42177, computer system design 42194, computer program replication 4297, transforming tangible data and files into electronic media 42198, creating and maintaining websites for others 42199, hosting computer stations (websites), Data conversion of computer programs and data (intangible conversion) 4223, computer software consultation 4224, network server rental 4225, computer virus protection service 4226, providing Internet search engine 4229
What information do you need to provide to apply for website trademark registration?
1. One copy of the business license of individual industrial and commercial households (household registration in mainland China);
2. A personal identification certificate;
3. One copy of the trademark pattern in jpg format;
4. Contact information;
5. Other documents are provided by Pincheng Company and confirmed by the trademark applicant.
the above is what kind of website trademark registration is, and what information do you need? Whether an individual applies for trademark registration on a website or an enterprise applies for a trademark, the first thing is to make an approximate query on the trademark in the early stage. If there is no similarity or similarity in the previous stage, you can make an application document and submit the trademark application document according to the corresponding process. The trademark can be text, graphics, English, pinyin or a combination of the above four. The final purpose of the application is to be eye-catching, easy to remember, easy to recognize and remember as soon as possible, which is actually the most significant. For more information, please consult the online customer service of Intellectual Property.
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