Friends who know about it may know that trademark registration takes longer than trademark transfer, so many e-cigarette companies choose to accept trademark transfer. However, trademark transfer does not take very quickly and still needs to be approved and reviewed. Only the process can be done. Only by questioning the formalities can the normal e-cigarette trademark transfer steps be completed.
What is the trademark of e-cigarette? According to the Trademark Classification Encyclopedia of the Trademark Transfer Platform, e-cigarettes belong to the following trademark types:
34-Cigarette Smoking Accessories
Cigarettes and their products
340040 E-cigarette liquid 340012 Chewing tobacco C340002 Cigarette 340028 Tobacco medicine Smoking 340039 Electric cigarette
3402 Smoking set
340032 Cigarette pipe
3405 Cigarette paper, filter
C340006 Excessive tows for cigarettes
3406 Tobacco flavorings
Except for essential oils, 340043 Flavorings for electronic cigarettes
The electronic cigarette trademark transfer process is as follows:
1. When transferring a registered trademark, the transferor shall sign a transfer agreement with the buyer and file an application with the Trademark Office at the same time.
2. The transferee shall ensure the quality of products using the registered trademark.
3. When transferring a registered trademark, the trademark registrant shall simultaneously transfer similar trademarks registered on the same goods or identical or similar trademarks registered on similar goods.
4. If the Trademark Office does not approve a transfer that is likely to cause confusion or has other adverse effects, it will notify the applicant and explain the reasons.
5. The registered trademark transfer will be announced after approval. The buyer has the trademark patent right from the date of public announcement.
The time for trademark transfer is determined based on the length of each step of trademark transfer. The editor has compiled the above trademark transfer steps, which can roughly determine the duration of trademark transfer.
E-cigarette trademark transfer time:
1. Trademark change. Renewal and transfer generally take four to six months to be approved.
2. The trademark is valid for ten years and can be renewed after the expiration of the period. The renewal period is six months.
3. Trademark changes, renewals and trademark transfers generally take four to six months to be approved.
4. Trademark correction period. The adjustment period is 15 days, the opposition defense period is 30 days; the trademark opposition period is one year.
5. The trademark opposition period is three months. The objection period shall be calculated from the date of public announcement. The date of trademark opposition application shall be the date when the Trademark Office receives the application documents. The objection period is temporarily a holiday and can be postponed to one working day after the holiday according to regulations.
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