(1) using trademarks on commodities, commodity packages or containers
using trademarks on commodities, commodity packages or containers means attaching trademarks to commodities, commodity packages or containers by means of direct attachment, engraving, branding or weaving. The so-called packaging refers to the auxiliary materials used on commodities for identifying commodities and facilitating carrying, storage and transportation, and containers are also a kind of packaging.
(II) Use of trademarks in exhibitions
Although trademarks cannot be physically attached to commodities, if they are connected with commodities in a certain way, which is enough to make the general public think that the trademarks play a role in distinguishing the sources of commodities, it constitutes the use of trademarks
(III) Use of trademarks in trading documents or advertising, and use of trademarks in trading documents and other commercial documents and advertising constitutes the use of trademarks. The so-called transaction documents include contracts, business stationery, envelopes, invoices, price lists, etc. The so-called advertising refers to a form of introducing directly or indirectly the goods or services produced or sold by oneself through certain media and forms. The advertising media include newspapers, posters and other written materials, as well as audio-visual materials such as radio, television and the Internet.